Contribute to the cause -
We are a 100% donation based organization and rely on kind supporters who believe in saving lives to be able to do what we do. We truly cannot do this without your support and it means the world, no matter how you choose to donate - we are immensely grateful.
Additional Donation Methods
Venmo simplifies payments with convenience and security. Use the app to connect to your credit cards or bank account, there are NO transaction fees which we love!
PayPal donations are secure, reliable, and convenient. They offer a range of payment options, making it easy to donate from anywhere in the world. Send as "Friends and family" to avoid pesky transaction fees.
Amazon Wishlist is an absolute game-changer! Buy directly from our hand selected list of items and they simply ship them dierctly to us. A great way to donate much needed supplies no matter where you are.

Wishlist Items

Thank you!
We are happy to accept item donations to our lounge anytime we are open. The most helpful items for us are clumping clay litter, food, toys, and pee pads. We also accept items that you think we can sell in our shop, for example handmade items and artwork.
For yearly cumulative donations over $500 you will receive a letter for your tax records automatically and the end of the year. If you need a letter at any time, ALL donation amounts are tax deductible! Feel good about doing good, it's a win-win.